Weight Tracker

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

ONLY 100lbs to go..........

So I realized that I lost 2.5lbs since my weigh in last week and I am pretty stoked about that.  The doctor told me at my post op last week that I would probably not lose any more weight until my first fill which of course made me think....pshhh...whatever now I want to prove him wrong.  I have been diligently tracking my calories which makes me more aware of what I am putting in my mouth. I will say I seem to be more creative with what I can eat so that I don't get bored and make a bad choice...
I finally had to put on my 18's today because the 22's seemed to slide off or leave me with severe plumbers crack.  I am finally down to my pre-baby weight.  Can't wait to be in the 240's..<sigh> always want what is just out of reach.  To be honest...I can't wait until 230's my wedding weight....or is that my 190's onderland.....ughhhh I sometimes wonder if I will EVER be happy with my weight...I am always so critical of it.  I remember being 175 and still wishing I was thinner....what a whiner.
I read the hunger games all three books over the last two weeks they were great can't wait to see the movie...I need another book to read.  A friend told me about the Janet Evanovich books which I have started to read but not really excited about them.  I am all over the place in books.  I liked the Game of Throne books by Martin and Harry Potter and DaVinci Code ughh what to read next...any suggestions?


MandaPanda said...

You're doing great! Tracking definitely makes us think more with bite. :)

LoriBang said...

Your doing awesome! I like the Janet Evanovich books too. The Stephanie Plumb series is what I really like. I also like Debbie Macombers series too.

Jen said...

You are doing fantastically!!! I need to track as well, I've been saying that for over two years tho!!
I've heard the Hunger Games are good. the movie looks really good!!

Mar's kids said...

Keep up the great work! Have you read "The Four Ms. Bradwells" from Meg Waite Clayton? Good story about 4 friends - she also wrote the "Wednesday Sisters"

I just finished "11/22/1963" from Stephen King - really good - and also picked up a mystery called "Jefferson's Key" at the drug store. Haven't started it yet, but it looks like a "National Treasure" type of read (not too challenging, which is perfect for me right now!)

RockBand Barbie said...

You are doing a fabulous job!! I am right there with ya wondering if I will be satisfied at a certain weight. I weighed 118 the day I got married and remember feeling fat that day. Now I am trying to focus on feeling healthy instead of putting so much emphasis on number.

mdlapband said...

I just love the book A dogs purpose or anything written by Mitch Albom.

So glad you're moving onto the smaller jeans! feels so good to do that!

Jane Public said...

Terrific! You go, girl!


Lisa said...

I am estatic for you!! Size 18's already?? Woo Hoo!!

Tracking is definitely the key. If the scale stalls, up the calories and then down them. I see to throw the scale off lately and it's finally budging Yippee!

Tina@The BanditGirl said...

I second 11/22/63....very good read. Also, you seem to be doing great! Keep it up!!! :) Can't wait to be where you are, on the other side!