Weight Tracker

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I am sorry did I steal your cookie?

OMG I am a hungry crazy girl right now...I think the problem is I had copious amounts of sugar....so my husbands grandparents celebrated there 70th wedding anniversary Sunday and my mom made her homemade carrot cake that is just to die for...well I had a small piece...and it was HEAVEN..so darn good.
Then what did I do..take my other half home(she cut it in half for me and saved the other half in tin foil)  I ate that yesterday....seriously if it is not nailed down I will eat it.  I was hungry all day yesterday..I tried to make good choices but I just was hungry...I had 2 cups of shelled edamame yesterday...2 cups...needless to say I am paying for it today as I putter around.  I tried to pack some good stuff today and I was shocked that I was down .5lbs this morning but probably would have been down more minus the cake!
I am thinking about calling my office and pleading with them to move my fill up a week...I mean really why must I wait 6 weeks after surgery...my friend who got her band same day as mine (same doc) is getting her fill this Saturday..why does she get it 10 days prior to me....I'm calling.
On a different note...my son has spring break the first week in April and I am not sure what to do, I want to do something fun...just wish I had other mom to play with...oh well I guess we can hit the zoo, childrens museum, movie, library, jump house and shopping....have a great Tuesday !


Jen said...

Bandster Hell is exactly that.. HELL.. I remember being starving and thinking WTF did I get this band for if I'm going to be dying to eat?? It will change as soon as you start getting your fills! just baby your band and try to make good choices 95% of the time.. cake does sound good though!!!

Lisa said...

Life happens and will continue to happen. Don't beat yourself up.

I had birthday cake recently but I decided NOT to take any home. It was my fave and I knew I would be elbow deep in it at midnight LOL. Spring Break plans sound like a lot of fun!! I feel ya on the hunger, I had days where I wanted to devour a house and others I couldn't manage a bite. Such a fickle thing this band is. My fill yesterday was ZERO pain. My Dr made me wait 6 weeks but I was ok waiting. If your Dr gave the other patient the option 10 days earlier, then I would definitely call and see if they will let you in. I can't tell if the fill helped me yet or not as I am on liquids for yesterday and today. It seems like I am getting pretty full on half a protein drink so maybe?

MandaPanda said...

I'm with Jen. It's not called Bandster Hell for nothing. You'll get through it. You're doing a great job so far!