Weight Tracker

Monday, April 8, 2013

Sugar dumping...bad......

What a crazy weekend.  So took Johnny to the zoo with his class on Friday...just so happens that other schools had the same idea...so 20 bus loads later and a deposit of 2000 kids we were ready to rumble.  Holy smokes I was exhausted after spending all day there...you would think Johnny would be too..and maybe ready for a nap...ummmm.no go...he went home and proceeded to play the rest of the afternoon...when all I wanted to do was curl up on the bed and sleep.

Oh another thing happened...so I have been cutting back on sugars..only allowed fruit sugars for the month of April...and I was doing well..until Friday at the zoo when I had a 32oz icee....not good to do..it went right thru me and it was not pleasant! Holy smokes I could not get to the potty fast enough....yes...I did not make it...talk about embarrassing...I actually threw away my panties...Drazil...sorry for this...I had a dumping episode and I have never experienced that before....ever since I have been craving terrible things.  We had a birthday party the next day and I had hubby take him because I wasn't sure I could turn down the birthday cake and ice cream!
I have been reading a ton..finished a couple books and I literally jonesing for TV!  I thought the TV was bad...until I had that sugar now I am just a whiney mess wanting sugar and TV.  I guess the good thing that is coming out of this, is I have been cleaning the house and organizing..well what else do you do when you have all this free time not watching tv or EATING YUMMY SUGARY things!
So first week is down...I had the icee slip up...lets see how this week goes.
On the weight subject...I think this will be good for me as I am noticing that my clothes are fitting looser and I think I hear 100lbs down calling my name!


Mon said...

I got a tip that if you blend cottage cheese with a package of sugar-free pudding and pop it in the freezer, it makes a delicious treat. I haven't tried it yet but I was thinking about making it soon, using cheesecake flavored pudding and adding some sliced strawberries on top. Sounds awesome and that would be a low-sugar, high-protein dessert :)

The zoo sounds fun, other than "The Incident"...sorry!!!!

Unknown said...

Sorry about your icee episode :( Sugar is hard to stop, but you are doing great and you will get there! I should detox too...

RockBand Barbie said...

Booooo for the dumping episode. Haven't had that in a long time, but after my gallbladder surgery (8 or so years ago) I was very cautious about eating or drinking anything if I wasn't at home.

MBFL said...

I didn't know bandsters had dumping issues!?!?! Good to know.

Sorry the field trip so so traumatizing.

Banded With Favor said...

Jenn, Oh that darn sugar....why must it taste so good and be so bad....Good for you for not going to the BDay party, in my state at this point, I know I would have indulged....Damn sugar, why, why, why is sugar so hard to give up???

Amy said...

aye. sorry about the sugar overload trauma. after a bit too much Easter candy (it was on clearance...I mean...it was begging me to buy it), I'm off of sugary stuff. My "treat" is the no sugar added applesauce with a few fresh strawberries blended in there. It still has sugar, but not like Reese's. ;)

Cheri said...

The materials my surgeon gave mentioned dumping (even with bandsters) but I haven't heard much about that happening either. But it's funny how with any person, your body can become very sensitive to changes - like a vegetarian who eats a piece of meat or something. Anyway, glad you had fun at the zoo. I fee the same way after fieldtrips. :-) That was when I got really mad at my Zip, btw, I am so sure it counted my steps wrong the day I wore it on that zoo fieldtrip! LOL