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Friday, April 12, 2013

Back when I was 319......

So I got the book LapBand Girl talked about...even though I didn't win it...well it was only 1.99 to download onto my nook....really how can I bitch about that!

I read it last night...its a short read.
It was a really good easy read...as she said..I think I need to read it again.

The major thing I picked up in it.  RELISH THE NSV's I don't do that enough.  I feel like its bragging and that I may even jinx it if I talk about how great I feel.  But I need to change that.  So I got my fat picture out

here I  am at 319 in 1993 in Cancun....If you recall.  I started out on this journey at 267 but that is frankly after my HCG diet I was on.  I really started out at 319 and then I lost a 100lbs on HCG and then started to regain which freaked me out because I always start to regain so I called the Weight Loss Center about the LapBand(I was tired of this weight and when you gain...you always gain even more than when you started and that scared the shit out of me)...So I was a little burned in that picture above..I think we had done a booze cruise that morning and I was drunk and sunburned..but to me that was heaven
I remember that girl at 319..she was miserable.  I could barely fit in some chairs.  I hated myself.  I felt out of control.  I used food as a friend because I was living in MN and I didn't have a lot of friends..I had moved there out of college and to make up for the lack of friends and family..I ate..and ate a lot.

Well I know I share a lot of my emotional struggles, but I want you to know that I am so much more comfortable in my own skin.  Just moving around is easier.  Back then I just wanted to be invisible...I wanted to be left alone.


Tina@The BanditGirl said...

Just ordered the book...can't wait to read it. BTW, You have so very much to be proud of!!! You are not bragging or sounding boastful when you tell us how life has changed for you...you are inspiring us!!!

Laura Belle said...

You know what?!?! You brag all you want sister!!!! you've earned your bragging rights!!! You work hard, you're motivated, and you help so many people want to do the same.

Brag. Brag away. Toot your own horn (but be careful not to 'toot'. No one likes a real tooter. lol)

Mon said...

That is amazing!!! You have definitely earned some bragging rights :)

The thing you said about not wanting to be noticed/wanting to be left alone REALLY resonates with me, and I'm sure many others. I go out of my way to avoid situations where I'll be noticed, let alone the focus of attention. I think if you can get to a point where you're not feeling that way anymore, and are ready to live your life...that is something to be CELEBRATED!!!

MBFL said...

I will look into that book.

You look amazing!! You have earned those bragging rights.

Banded With Favor said...

Preaching to the choir girl!! Have felt the very same way on all topics for sure....those NSV's are important but I here you on the jinx it part, I need to get over that as well...You look great, you have done such a fantastic job!!! Going to have to look further into this book, could be exactly the thing I need...You keep me motivated friend!!!;0)

Cheri said...

I love, love, LOVE hearing NSV's. I think more than pounds lost actually. I will listen every time, with full attention! I guess because we all know there are healthy and unhealthy ways for the pounds to go up and down, and sometimes getting too hooked on those numbers scares me. But the LESSONS we learn, and the milestones we can measure on the journey are really priceless, and we never lose those, no matter what the scale says.

I love your honesty, and I think you are very brave. xoxox

♥ Drazil ♥ said...

My God - I would have no idea that was you if you hadn't told me. Wow. Brag away. I'll never tire of listening.

mdlapband said...

Celebrate, brag, who cares! Neither have calories. If people who follow you don't want to hear your accomplishments or arent happy to celebrate with you ... they should just stop following you.

RockBand Barbie said...

I didn't know you did the HCG diet. I seriously considered that before getting banded. My doctor was against it, so I actually listened to him for once and went with the band instead. I thing you should brag all day long...you have done such an amazing job. I really do consider you one of the major banded Rockstars!!

~Miss Lorie~ said...

I love NSV! They are so much more important than what the scale says.
I think you should brag, brag a lot! It helps others to recognize what can be considered success, instead of just a number!

tz said...

so am going to have to get that book! thanks....and yes, I started at 320 and that looking at a chair hoping it would fit you or it wouldn't break is something I don't want to go back to --- you are looking awesome and more importantly...happy!

Unknown said...

I've heard everyone talking about that book. I will have to get it! You look so great. You should brag! Brag it up! You've worked so hard to get where you are!

speck said...

You definitely are an inspiration.

Thanks for sharing on the book.

You've come a long way.
