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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Crappy food at school parties.....enter Debbie Downer...

So I got a take home flyer for Grandparents day at school.  They are asking for the parents to supply stuff for the party...which they are going to make banana splits?  WTF!  Sorry, I am so disappointed with class parties always being unhealthy.  I just got the list of items needed for the Valentines party...cookies, frosting, chocolate, sprinkles....and at Christmas it was cookies, frosting, hot chocolate, marshmallows ...So I went to the school with a mission yesterday...to ask for fruit or veges instead of always cookies and candies...I mean really with this day and age and all the overweight kids...can't we come up with some healthy options in there.  So I wait until I am one of the last moms there at pick up...one mom was hanging around telling the teacher how sick her kid is(I was trying hard not to role my eyes...I mean really how many times can you say he has a fever, throwing up that we all believe you)  I then ask the teacher "Do you think it would be ok to suggest we have maybe fruit kabobs in addition to cookies at the valentines party? Or would the homeroom mom object?"  Teacher "Oh I am sure she would be ok with it"    She proceeds to say maybe we should have spinache cookies also...I gave her my ARE YOU SERIOUS or giving me a bad time look but got no read...so I just laughed it off..saying I didn't want to be the mom the kids hate.....can you say awkward?

Ok, so I decide I will bring fruit to the next function(Valentines Day)...along with the juice boxes I had signed up for.....I am expecting  next school party to have an option of fruit in the sign up list or I may come unglued.  Then the mom with the sick kid said "I am so glad you said something I think its terrible that its always cookies and candy(umm I didn't put it that way, but yes) and I will brink watermellon...um, ok  Then she says she wants to invite my son to her sons birthday party in 2 weeks and that she is not inviting the whole class and such...I felt a little awkward as my son never talks about her son but I said sure..we would love to.
As for weigh in Wednesday..I forgot..maybe subconciously or not as I did eat a big dinner last night (left over meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans AND a salad) then had my skinny cow ice cream sandwhich AND 2 granola bars..ughhh...I was an endless pit yesterday..so darn hungry...my fill can't come soon enough!


tz said...

It's crazy the junk we feed our kiddos....don't even get me started! I think you approached it nicely by saying 'in addition to" fruit kabobs are fun too, kids like anything on a stick :D

MBFL said...

Now I want to google spinach cookies to see if she was being an unbelievable smart ass or was maybe on to something (hiding healthy food in stuff kids eat). In my book you had every right to punch her in the throat, lol.

You should have asked birthday boys mom if she was sure her kid would be alright in time for the party, what with the fever and throwing up.

Elizabeth said...

The one thing I love about Mya's school is that they do really enforce healthy eating. The do only one class birthday party per month to celebrate all the kids. They also only allow health snacks at snack time. The 5th graders at taught about health diets. A lot of this is stuff her PE teacher implemented as he is a type I diabetic.

No name said...

Good for you! I'm glad that you said something. I am always thankful that my kids daycare is so veggie heavy. They eat more veggies there than at home!

♥ Drazil ♥ said...

I love how you're trying to open other people's eyes!

MandaPanda said...

What a good mom you are! I once gave my daughter one of those 100 calorie order things as a snack for school. Her teacher sent a note home asking to make sure to only send healthy snacks and then I got the sign up sheet for her Christmas class party. Uh huh. Healthy huH?

Momee3021 said...

Its sooo funny... Our school is totally opposite you have to fight to bring cupcakes to share with the class on your kids birthday. Good for you Jenn - I find it really strange considering how little Johnny is that they wouldnt be more healthy. Oh well :P Anyways - Ive got your back so please go to this website for the Spinach cookie Recipe that you can bring for the class on the next treat day... http://spinookie.com - just in case as Terri said she was being an unbelievable smart ass!!!

As for the out of the blue b-day invite.... My Spidey senses are telling me that by you showing off your skinny girl moxie... YOU have now been welcomed into the popular mommy fold and Johnny will reap the benefits of birthday parties, play dates and the like that will now include watermelon and other heathy snacks... YAY YOU!!!!!!!

Connie O said...

Good for you for speaking up! I think many kids would love the option of some fruit, especially fun things like strawberries or pineapple.

Here's a spinach cookies recipe for ya. They are savory, but it says "a kid favorite"!